Raw Materials

Scotland's abundance of pure and natural herbal resources allows us to source some of the best extracts that could be utilised in cosmetics. By closely collaborating with Korean cosmetic manufacturers and our partners, we've procured top-tier natural cosmetic products crafted with Korean technology, utilising Scottish ingredients.

Below are some of the Scottish herbal ingredients we use for our products:



Absinthox (Wormwood)

INCI Name: Artemisia Absinthium Extract

Artemisia absinthium is a perennial herbaceous plant known for its distinctive flavour, commonly used as a key component in the production of the alcoholic beverage, Absinthe. Historically, during the Ancient Greek era, Wormwood was utilised as an antiparasitic treatment. One of its primary phytochemical components is bitter sesquiterpene lactone, renowned for its reported anti-inflammatory properties. Scientific studies have additionally revealed antioxidant and antimicrobial properties in A. absinthium extracts, rendering Wormwood extract a valuable ingredient in skincare formulations.


Active Sea (Bladderwrack)

INCI Name: Fucus Vesiculosis Extract

Fucus vesiculosus, frequently encountered in the British Isles, boasts a wealth of minerals including iodine, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, and silicon, alongside vitamins A, C, and E. Historically utilised for its wound-healing properties to alleviate skin irritation and inflammation, it served as an alternative remedy for thyroid disorders. Bladderwrack was also employed topically for various skin conditions, burns, aging skin, and insect bites. Recent studies indicate enhancements in fibroblast-populated collagen gel contraction through heightened integrin molecules following exposure to Bladderwrack extract. Topical application of its aqueous extract has demonstrated a reduction in thickness and an increase in elasticity.


Angel’s Gold I Angelic (Angelica)

INCI Name: Angelica Archangelica Leaf Extract

Angelica Archangelica, a European plant cultivated for its edible roots and stems, holds a prominent place in traditional folk medicine and is esteemed as one of the most revered medicinal herbs in Nordic regions. In Western herbal medicine, Garden Angelica has been historically employed for treating fever and skin rashes. Numerous studies substantiate its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Angelica extracts contain key compounds such as angelicin, caffeic acid, along with other flavonoids and phytosterols.


Avenaseed (Oat)

INCI Name: Avena Sativa (Oat) Seed Extract

Avena sativa, a type of cereal grain, thrives particularly well in Scotland and is renowned for its rich nutritional profile, containing protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, and minerals, notably manganese. The historical use of oats in skincare traces back to Ancient Egypt. Oat baths remain a common external treatment for eczema and irritated skin, renowned for their ability to alleviate itching, moisturise, and safeguard the skin. A key active compound found in oats is avenathramides, a group of phenolic alkaloids known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties. Additionally, oats are high in β-glucans, which possess protective, moisture-retaining, and emollient qualities. Studies have shown that oat extracts can reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro and lead to significant clinical improvements in skin dryness, roughness, and scaling.


Broom Bloom (Broom)

INCI Name: Sarothamnus Scoparius Extract

Cytisus Scoparius, prevalent in Great Britain and Ireland, is a renowned medicinal plant native to Western Europe. The vibrant yellow flowers and green tops of this plant have historically been employed to impart a bitter flavor to beer. Traditionally, Broom was utilised as a skin lotion for alleviating swelling and sore muscles, and as a hair rinse to enhance shine and thickness. Rich in flavonoids, carotenoids, and alkaloids, Broom exhibits DPPH radical scavenging activity in aqueous extracts, comparable to that of vitamin C.


Calm Spring (Water Horsetail)

INCI Name: Equisetum Fluviatile Extract

Equisetum Fluviatile, commonly referred to as Water or Swamp Horsetail, thrives abundantly in the UK, particularly in Scotland. Throughout various traditional medicinal practices, Water Horsetail tea has been consumed orally or utilised in baths and compresses to address skin concerns. Medicinally, Water Horsetail has been applied topically or consumed as an herbal tea to treat eye infections and skin issues. Chemical analysis of Water Horsetail constituents has identified protoapigenine, protoapigenome, and protogenkwanone, along with their derivatives, suggesting antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Recent research indicates the anti-inflammatory cosmetic benefits of Water Horsetail for soothing the skin.



INCI Name: Palmaria Palmata Extract

Dulse, also referred to as sea lettuce or dillisk, is a type of red algae that thrives along the northern coastlines of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Its earliest documented presence dates back over 1,400 years ago on the island of Iona, Scotland, where it was harvested by monks. In Ireland, Dulse is widely used as both food and medicine. This seaweed is exceptionally rich in minerals and vitamins, surpassing many other vegetables in its nutritional content, providing all essential trace elements required by humans. Typically available from June to September, Dulse can be hand-picked during low tides and subsequently dried for preservation. Botanical extracts derived from dulse have demonstrated skin-protective properties.


Elder Bloom (Elderflower)

INCI Name: Sambucus Nigra Flower Extract

Sambucus nigra, known for its fragrant flowers, is frequently encountered in Northern temperate regions and holds a significant place in traditional Scottish medicine. Historically, these flowers have been widely used in herbal medicine to address colds, fevers, and sinus infections. Across various regions, the flowers have traditionally been employed for their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Rich in vitamins and flavonoids, including quercetin, the flowers are often incorporated into skin lotions for their ability to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.


English Hop (Hop)

INCI Name: Humulus Lupulus (Hops) Extract

Humulus lupulus, historically used for approximately 1,500 years as a flavoring and stabilising agent in the brewing industry, has emerged as more than just a beer ingredient. Beyond its role in fermentation, hops offer valuable benefits. Metabolites released during fermentation contribute to healthier and stronger scalps for beer laborers. Natural enzymes present in hops are crucial for hair care, and recent herbal and medicinal studies suggest that hops promote hair growth and enhance shine. Furthermore, hops contain abundant resins that provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects, contributing to achieving a healthy scalp condition.


Inspire (Agrimony)

INCI Name: Agrimonia Eupatoria Leaf Extract

Agrimonia Eupatoria, a perennial herbaceous plant grown in Scotland for its medicinal properties, has been revered for centuries as a healing herb. Traditionally, agrimony was employed in the treatment of wounds, skin blemishes, and warts. Notably, the plant is recognised for its significance in the extraction of medicinal compounds and drug production within the pharmaceutical industry. Rich in secondary metabolites such as tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and triterpenoids, agrimony exhibits a wide array of beneficial properties including anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, and hepatoprotective effects.


Marian (Milk Thistle)

INCI Name: Silybum Marianum Extract

Silybum Marianum, originating from the Mediterranean region, has a rich historical background as an herbal remedy dating back to Roman times, particularly valued for its hepatoprotective properties. This thistle has served as the official emblem of Scotland since the 15th century. Research indicates that Milk Thistle exhibits antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects, making it beneficial in the treatment of cutaneous wounds. Moreover, there is growing evidence suggesting that Milk Thistle can protect the skin from UV damage and aid in the repair of sun-damaged skin. Silymarin, an active compound found in Milk Thistle, has been extensively studied for its antioxidant effects.


Myricle (Bog Myrtle)

INCI Name: Myrica Gale Flower/Fruit/Leaf/Twig Extract

Myrica Gale, also known as sweetgale or bog myrtle, is a small shrub typically found in acidic peat bogs across Northern Europe. The aerial parts of this plant emit a sweet fragrance and have historically served various purposes, including insect repellent, perfume, and a foliage condiment, notably featured in royal wedding bouquets. In Scotland, it is renowned for its ability to repel highland midges. Bog myrtle possesses astringent and antiseptic properties and has been traditionally used in wound healing poultices, acne treatment, and alleviating digestive problems and itching. Recent efforts aim to enhance the plant's production in Scotland for the extraction of essential oil, particularly for treating sensitive skin and acne.

Scots Pine

INCI Name: Pinus Sylvestris Bark Extract

Pinus Sylvestris has been used by Scots for medicinal purposes throughout centuries. The extract was incorporated into preparations to address topical inflammation, specific fungal infections, and to mitigate blood clotting. The inner bark of Scots Pine has been utilized to produce gluten-free flour for bread. As a native Caledonian tree, Scots Pine is abundant in the Scottish Highlands. Traditional utilisation of Scots Pine bark extract centers on its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has identified over 26 antioxidant phenolic compounds in the inner bark of Scots Pine, which have demonstrated efficacy in inhibiting cell oxidation and the production of inflammatory mediators such as nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2.


Scot's Luck (Heather)

INCI Name: Calluna Vulgaris Extract

Calluna Vulgaris is a symbol of Scotland, where it is revered as an emblem of the Highlands. Heather is esteemed for its associations with luck, a tradition introduced from Balmoral to England by Queen Victoria. Historically, it was used medicinally through teas, ointments, and salves for its cleansing and detoxifying properties in treating inflammatory disorders. Research on heather has revealed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties through in vivo and ex vivo experiments. These effects are attributed to active compounds such as polyphenols, triterpenes, and ursolic acid.

Sweet Elder (Elderberry)

INCI Name: Sambucus Nigra Fruit Extract

Sambucus Nigra fruit has a rich historical presence in traditional Scottish medicine. In Western herbal medicine, the berries are used for addressing inflammation and infections. Recent scientific investigations have highlighted the abundance of active compounds in Elderberries, including rutin, hyperoside, and chlorogenic acid. Consequently, their cosmetic benefits encompass anti-aging properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and cellular protection against oxidative stress.


True Cure (Speedwell)

INCI Name: Veronica Officinalis Extract

Veronica officinalis, characterised by its violet flowers, is commonly utilised as both an edible and medicinal herb. In European traditional medicine, Speedwell was valued for its diuretic and tonic properties. Externally, when applied as a salve, it was believed to alleviate irritated skin, eczema, and aid in skin healing. The protective effects of Speedwell against oxidative stresses have been demonstrated through the monitoring of various biomarkers. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory mechanisms have been identified, including the reduction of COX-2 expression, leading to a decrease in the release of inflammatory mediator PGE2. Recently, phenolic compounds from the Veronica genus have been isolated and assessed for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, highlighting Speedwell extract as a promising ingredient in cosmetics.


Valeriactive (Valerian Root)

INCI Name: Valeriana Officinalis Root Extract

Valeriana Officinalis, a flowering plant with a rich history in both Eastern and Western herbal medicine, is cultivated in Scotland for its medicinal root. Additionally, it is utilized to impart fragrance to baths, craft soap, and produce aromatic oils. Valerian's usage dates back to Ancient Greek times, primarily for addressing sleep disorders, particularly insomnia. Experimental models have indicated that compounds in Valerian, known as valepotriates, can enhance coordination, relax muscle tissue, and reduce anxiety. Contemporary Western herbal practices favor the use of Valerian roots as chemical analysis has revealed higher concentrations of potent active compounds in the root. Specifically, sesquiterpenoids and flavonoids, special types of terpenoids, have been isolated from Valerian root extract, known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in cosmetic formulations.


As well as the extracts listed above, we use and source various more herbal ingredients for our cosmetics use. For further information on our raw materials, please get in touch through our contacts page.